Specialist Assessment Terms and Conditions

Eyesight and hearing

It is essential to rule out any physical or sensory difficulties prior to conducting a diagnostic investigation.


Covid 19 adjustments to our T&C

If your child shows any symptoms or has been asked to self-isolate, please do not bring them to the centre for their lesson.

What we pledge to do

This service is offered on the understanding that:

The first payment of not less than 50% of the total fee is received prior to commencement of collation of background information and testing, this is non-refundable as work will be initiated upon receipt.

Once the investigation has begun then full payment is due and must be received prior to release of the final report.   The report will be issued no later than 3-weeks after all information is gathered for it (including from external contributors).

The Diagnostic Assessment will be carried out by a qualified specialist dyscalculia teacher/assessor holding an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) issued by PATOSS.

Accurate diagnosis is reliant upon the individual who should be relaxed and well rested / fed prior to attending the centre.  If they are unwell on the planned assessment day(s) then please contact the centre as early as possible so an alternative appointment can be made.  Two or three assessments are usually booked of 2 1/2 hours each to enable breaks.

You will be asked to complete detailed questionnaires to gather background medical and educational information.  This information may be repeated in the final report so please advise if any should be withheld from it.

Please ensure that all people with parental responsibility are aware of and contribute to this investigation irrespective of who is paying the fees.

Other professionals such as the student’s school maybe contacted to provide background information together with historic and current attainment levels.

Parents or other adults are not permitted to watch or be present during the assessment (unless prior arrangements have been made), as this may cause unnecessary stress to the child.  The assessments maybe recorded to enable the assessor to review later and ensure accurate scoring of individual tests.  These recordings will be destroyed after the final report has been issued.

Data is kept electronically.  Only the data needed to complete the assessment and/or tuition is kept.  Anonymised data may be used for academic purposes.  Data will not be passed onto third parties without express written instructions and will be destroyed within 6 months of no longer being a client of Southampton Tuition Centre unless you request otherwise prior to the 6 month expiry date.

We are always happy to speak to you. However, it is difficult to talk during teaching hours, but you can leave a message. It is often easier to make an appointment if you need more time to discuss something with me in person.

The Centre phone number is 0238 104 0108.
The Centre text number is 07520 632902.

These T&Cs were last updated 7th January 2025


The purpose of a screening for dyslexia/dyscalculia is to help you decide if a full diagnostic is appropriate.  It does not diagnosis either condition.

There is a fee of £100 for this service or £150 if you would like screening for both dyslexia and dyscalculia. The screening is conducted by a specialist teacher / assessor.

Verbal findings will be reported back to you.

Should you wish to proceed with a formal SpLD investigation 50% of this fee will be offset against that cost if the full assessment is conducted within 3 months of the screening (otherwise the results would be out of date).

On booking of any service you will be emailed the invoice, payment of that invoice secures the booking so is due on receipt.

It is possible to reschedule so long as at least 48 hours notice is received, as that would enable us to offer the appointment to another customer.

Fees are not refundable.

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